Friday, July 21, 2006

Japanese Android Doppelgänger (via Wired)

Hiroshi Ishiguro poses with his android clone, Geminoid HI-1. Constructed of silicone and steel and powered by pressurized air and small actuators, Ishiguro's life-size doppelgänger is uncannily realistic since it was made from casts taken from the roboticist's body. Ishiguro's android mimics the roboticist's actions, with micromovements -- such as shoulders that rise gently to simulate breathing -- making it difficult to believe Geminoid is a machine. A Geminoid operator wears motion-tracking lip markers. When the operator moves his mouth, Geminoid's lips make the same movement. A speaker inside the android lets the robotic double be heard. (Credit: Tim Hornyak)

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